Ground Floor

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As apart of the daily running of Hogwarts, there is a office and quarters set up for the Administration staff member. They will work in an office similar to the Caretakers Office on the same floor. All Student records are located in here.
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This office is a small room with a single oil lamp hanging from the ceiling. It smells of fried fish. In it are filing cabinets with details of the misdeeds of students. Fred and George have an entire drawer to themselves.

You will also find:
- chains and manacles (not used these days but kept polished just in case)
- cabinet full of confiscated magic items marked "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous."
- desk and chairs
- lots of forms to write up malefactors
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Double oak front doors, opening to the west. Large, cavernous room, lit by torches, with ceiling so high it's barely visible. Wide marble staircase opposite the front doors (east wall) leads up to first floor. Double doors to the right (south wall) lead into the Great Hall. On the east wall are two doors, one on either side of the staircase. To the north of the staircase is a door leading down a flight of steps to the first dungeon level. To the south is a door leading to the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchens. On the left (north wall) is a door leading to a smaller antechamber where First Years wait to be sorted.
The Great Hall in Hogwarts is the main gathering area in the school. Students eat their meals, receive daily owl posts, and have certain special events. The Great Hall is a large hall that can easily hold all of the school's students, staff and guests. It has tall walls that reach up to the ceiling, which is enchanted to look like the sky above.
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The moving stair case is one of the most trickiest parts to the Hogwarts Castle. If you don't catch it in time, you could end up goodness knows where. Be careful of the tricky step, don't let your foot get caught.