Level 5: International Magical Cooperation

Astoria Greengrass posted in I Just Want a Normal Life! (Draco)
Apr 6, 2024 15:19:37 GMT | 3 threads | 11 posts
This area houses the various offices of each territory of the International Confederation of Wizards. This room is a large chamber in a circular fashion, with a large round table in the center, fixed to the floor. You'll often find either stacks or even boxes of papers for each office to take their own when they're able to. Ambassadors and their assistants share a common office, with their own individual offices within.
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The Magical Trading Standard Body is often known as the 'Magic port'. Here, magical stocks, deeds of Diagon Alley, and gold is currently traded. The post-War economy saw a major trading exchange, merely days after the Second Wizarding War had been announced to have ended. The Gringotts Liaison is most often in charge of control and care of Stocks, Deeds, and most certainly the gold trade. Quality control is also a major part of this exchange of goods and property, to ensure the standards are being upheld.

Curse Breakers are also located here, to decipher and undo ancient curses and hex, normally found on items locked away long ago. Those that remain hexed or cursed find their way up to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, to be cataloged and stored within the bowels of the Ministry.